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Trim Component

Trim Components

Getting Started#

The below code will give you the full Trim Component within your application to play with.


type="disabled" only disabled processing, that is when you press the done button.

The rest of the component is fully fucntionally

You can find an interactive demo at

import {Trim} from '@modfy/react-video-components'
const Component = () => {
return (
<Trim src={"/video.mp4"} type="disabled" />


You can learn the basics of processing here

Specific to the Trim component, the callback function in other(change to manual) mode is:

callback(start:number, end:number) => void

You can use this to manually trim the video if you want to


Examples of themes are shown below

Autumn Theme
Amethyst Theme
Lapis Theme
Amethyst Dark Theme
Lapis Dark Theme
Atlantis Theme

Light Themes#

Autumn Theme

import {Trim, Autumn} from '@modfy/react-video-components'
const Component = () => {
return (
<Trim src={"/video.mp4"} theme={Autumn} type="disabled" />

Dark Themes#

Atlantis Theme

import {Trim,Atlantis} from '@modfy/react-video-components'
const Component = () => {
return (
<Trim src={"/video.mp4"} theme={Atlantis} type="disabled" />

Custom Themes#

You can easily customize the color of all the elements using custom themes

  1. Extend a theme you like or defaultTheme
  2. Update the colors you want to change
  3. Use theme
import {Trim, DefaultTheme} from '@modfy/react-video-components'
class CustomTheme extends DefaultTheme {
textColor : 'red'
const Component = () => {
return (
<Trim src={"/video.mp4"} type="disabled"

These are the following properties you can customize in your themes

interface Theme {
primaryColor: string
textColor: string
textSecondaryColor: string
backgroundColor: string
highlightColor: string
disabledColor: string
accentColor: string
thumbColor: string
thumbHoverColor: string


The below are the full range of customizable properties for style.

type TrimProps ={
src: string
text?: {
fileName?: string
buttonName?: string
font?: 'Inter' | 'inherit'
  1. text The text object just contains the text you can edit or modify
  2. font By default, the font used is Inter you can overwrite it and use inherit

An example of some basic customization would be

import {Trim} from '@modfy/react-video-components'
const Component = () => {
return (
<Trim src={"/video.mp4"} type="disabled"
text={{buttonName: 'Finish'}}